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Government opens accounts for assistance to flood victims

On the occasion of unprecedented natural disaster that has struck the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Serbia established the Crisis Staff, in order to coordinate activities related to collect aid donations from abroad.

The Serbian government has opened dinar and foreign currency accounts at which those who want to help victims of flood can deposit money:

- Serbian dinar account 840-3546721-89, purpose of payment: assistance to flood-affected areas;

- Account in foreign currency, bank account No 01-504619-100193230-000000-0000 - Ministry of finance - Treasury, Belgrade, special account to flood-affected areas, IBAN RS 35908504619019323080.

Payment instructions from outside Serbia are available here.

The Crisis Staff can be contacted by phone +381-66-8066-020 or by email: kriznistab@mfa.rs.

The Ministry of foreign affairs would like to thank you for possible donations.

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