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Public invitation for collecting letters of interest for participation in privatization of companies in the portfolio of the Privatization Agency

Pursuant to the Law on Privatization that was passed by Serbian Parliament on August 2nd 2014, and entered into force on August 13th 2014, the Privatization Agency has announced the public invitation for collecting letters of interest, inviting investors to express their interest in privatization of specific companies.

Privatization Agency portfolio includes 502 parent companies and their subsidiaries from the following industries: administrative and support service activities (13), construction (51), public administration and defense; compulsory social security (1), human health services (16), IT and other information services (73), education (1), other services (4), agriculture, forestry and fishing (35), real estate activities (1), manufacturing (113), mining and quarrying (6), transportation and storage (21), electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (7), water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation (5), professional, scientific and technical activities (67), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (83), arts, entertainment and recreation (3), accommodation and food service activities (21), financial and insurance activities (15), for which the Public Invitation is announced.

Letters of Interest shall be submitted by mail or directly to the Agency at 23 Terazije Street, or via e-mail to loi@priv.rs, not later than September 15h 2014.

Pursuant to the Law, mandatory deadline for privatization of socially owned capital is December 31st 2015.

For more information, please visit the website of the Privatization Agency. (here)

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