On the second day of his visit to Slovakia, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Selaković, visited the Serbian Military Cemetery in Veliki Medjer, where he laid wreaths.
Minister Selaković said that Veliki Medjer was the first camp of the Austro-Hungarian Empire organized for the reception of prisoners of war from the Balkan Front. He said that the first Serbs were brought in November 1914, that 20,000 of them had passed through it, and that more than 6,000 Serb soldiers had left their lives in Veliki Medjer.
Selaković pointed out that, thanks to the good cooperation between the Municipality of Veliki Medjer, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the Government of Vojvodina, this cemetery is being renovated from year to year.
"Here, a large number of names and surnames of our soldiers who died was preserved, and that is a big difference in relation to other execution sites", said the minister, pointing out that plaques with the names of the victims were made in the previous year, sorted by years.
Selaković said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will try to adequately mark every place where we know that even one of our patriots left his life, and that, together with the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, we will strive to properly maintain all other marked places.
"We should come to such places, bring our children and teach them about the days of martyrdom and glory that our people went through in the Great War, but also in all other wars", Selaković said, emphasizing that he is both sad and proud, and pointing out that these places also testify to how expensively the Serbian people paid for their freedom and that we must never forget that.
29 October 2021